Will I have a fever during my post-Paxlovid rebound?
resolved Jul 19
Resolves YES if between now and when I recover from Covid, I measure my temperature at over 100 degrees F, as measured by a oral thermometer. I will make reasonable efforts to get accurate and consistent readings - so a noisy reading that is contradicted by other concurrent readings will not count. Context: My rapid antigen test results were very faint and negative, but today returned to strong positive again, indicating a post-Paxlovid rebound. So far my symptoms have been pretty much the same (haven't gotten worse), but this question asks whether I will get a fever again (I got a fever on my first day of Covid, before starting the Paxlovid). Related questions: https://manifold.markets/group/jacks-personal-covid-questions/questions My Covid timeline: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18_4eASH4NEuq2r1LyB7OQiWnbom1tf-WVISSaf0eork/edit#gid=0
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predicted NO
Resolving NO now, my Covid infection over based on my rapid antigen tests returning negative for the last 4 days.
predicted NO
Antigen tests just became negative today. My cough has gotten worse though.
predicted NO
I think the continuing cough is a post-infection symptom, based on a few articles I found. I'm curious why people are people betting up - do you think there's a x% chance I still have Covid, and if I do there's a y% chance I'll develop a fever (even though I haven't had one since the first 2 days)? Or something else?