Will Hillary Clinton be the 2024 Democratic Nominee?
resolved Mar 13

Inspired by Polymarket where the price is currently 5% with a liquidity of thousands of USD! Can Manifold do better?

Resolves when a candidate becomes presumptive nominee after securing a majority of pledged delegates; or when a candidate is officially selected as nominee, whichever happens first.

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@jack if Hillary ends up being the nominee will this re-resolve?

His other markets do work like that, I think they were written later though?

In principal I think it might be bad to change a market's criteria to include a re-resolution clause this late but in practice I think this is so unlikely that I don't actually object. Dunno what other traders think though.

@Joshua it would be sad becuase i was asked to bet here to prove i was serious about hillary becoming nominee.. but then maybe this market isnt even about hillary becoming nominee! but i wont get upset unless she actually does become the nominee!

No. The market will follow the rules as specified.

@jim also if you didn't see what I said in the other thread, I'll just pay you mana myself if that ends up happening.

@jack oh i didnt see that thank u jack.

it's just us ppl who think that biden won't be the nominee all expected him to stay in long enough to be able to hand-select the nominee, so as it turns out there is big difference for us between nominee and presumptive nominee

@jack these can all resolve now, right?

@Joshua ... no

@jim Biden is the presumptive nominee, as of tonight.

@Joshua ah shit I didn't really read the description. Weird to not have it in the title

@jim also weird to reference the polymarket which is about the nominee not a presumptive nominee

bought แน€10,000 NO

I think it's nearly identical, edge case details like that are usually in the description but not in the title. How many times has the presumptive nominee not ended up being the nominee in history?

It says inspired by polymarket, the intent wasn't to be the same as polymarket.

Also if she does end up being the nominee I will just pay you mana myself because that would be hilarious

opened a แน€80,000 NO at 12% order

james if you want a REALLY big position i'll buy no at 12%

bought แน€2 of YES

I'm With Her

I feel like real money betting markets (esp PredictIt) have a hallowed tradition of assigning Hillary Clinton ridiculous single digit chances to win primaries sheโ€™s not running in.

@Conflux I remember just one guy who would rant about how the DNC was going to rig it for her to be the nominee again (even after the debates lmao) and bet massively on it.

predicted NO

@ConnorDolan In 2020?

predicted NO

@NcyRocks Yes.

sold แน€0 YES

@Conflux there are only three people on Earth allowed to be president: Hillary, Joe, and Donald.