Will median market volume triple one month after limit orders become available?
resolved Aug 11

If limit orders become available and remain generally available for a period of at least one month, then resolves as follows:

Resolves based on "median market volume" on https://wasabipesto.com/jupyter/manifold/. Let the "before" figure be the median market volume for markets created in the past 1 month on the date limit orders are generally available. Let the "after" figure be the median market volume for markets created in the past 1 month, after limit orders have been available for 1 month. Resolves YES if the after figure is at least 3x the before figure, otherwise NO. Resolves N/A if this data is no longer available, or limit orders are not implemented before market close.

If limit orders are supported for a temporary period of less than a month, resolves N/A. If limit orders are supported and then go away and then come back, I will attempt to resolve in the spirit of this question as best as possible, with the goal of attempting to measure a roughly one-month period just before they are available vs a one-month period just after they become available, and resolve N/A if this is not feasible.

(Note that Manifold is also growing in general, so you should take that into account, although the growth from one month to the next has been far less than triple). See also: https://manifold.markets/ManifoldMarkets/will-manifold-support-limit-orders

Close date updated to 2022-08-10 9:59 pm

Jul 20, 11:54pm: Will average market volume triple one month after limit orders become available? → Will median market volume triple one month after limit orders become available?

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predicted NO

Resolves NO. Median Market Volume for the past month shows 141.98.

I also looked at some of the other trading volume metrics, and there might be a bit of an increase, but overall I am a little surprised that there wasn't a much more noticeable increase. I felt like I was making a lot more trades at least.

predicted YES
In retrospect, looking at the total market volume would have been a better metric, but I didn't spot that in the stats at the time. Now I see that https://manifold.markets/stats does have total mana bet.
predicted YES
The current value for "median market volume" the past 1 month is 163.04. So this market will resolve YES if in 1 month (August 10), the value is at least 3 * 163.04 = 489.12. Setting the market close date to August 10.
predicted YES
For reference, the original close date was 9/20; this was defined as the date this market would resolve N/A if limit orders were not implemented yet. It could potentially become relevant again if limit orders are removed and reinstated (as mentioned in the resolution criteria).
Limit orders are now live!