If a nuclear weapon is detonated in Ukraine in 2022, will NATO detonate a nuclear weapon offensively within 1 month?
resolved Jan 3

This question will resolve as N/A if no nuclear weapon is detonated in Ukraine after October 3, 2022 and before January 1, 2023, as per the question Will a nuclear weapon be detonated in Ukraine in 2022? If such a detonation occurs, resolves YES if within one month, a NATO member state detonates any nuclear weapon offensively. Resolves NO otherwise.

Resolution details (mostly copied from Metaculus):

I will use Metaculus decisions on https://www.metaculus.com/questions/2797/no-non-test-nuclear-detonations-by-2024-01-01/ and related questions to determine whether a nuclear weapon detonation counts as offensive.

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