How many markets will be created next week, with daily free markets just removed? (prob=count/300)
resolved Jul 2
Resolved as
Daily free markets were just removed. The number of markets created in the past week was 290 - see > Market Stats > under "Markets created in the past..." If daily free markets continue not to exist for at least 5 of the next 7 days, what will be the number of markets created over the next week? Let N be the number of markets created in the past week according to on 6/30. Resolves to N / 300. If N > 300, resolves to 100%. Resolves N/A if daily free markets are reinstated for at least 2 of the next 7 days.
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predicted YES
With new rewards per unique bettor just added, here's a follow-up market for next week:
predicted NO
@jack I'm back.
predicted YES
Right now, shows 139 markets created in the past week.
predicted YES
Resolving to 139 / 300 = 46%
bought Ṁ4 of YES
hmm, seems like metaculus bot's doing some heavy lifting today
predicted YES
Yeah, forgot to take it into account
sold Ṁ60 of NO
Wait, are we counting June 23rd? The visualisation in question does not exist anymore. Currently, we have 67 markets if excluding June 23rd, and 110 including it: ```python from datetime import datetime from itertools import takewhile from urllib import response import requests url = "" response = requests.get(url) l = response.json() count_from = datetime(2022, 6, 23).timestamp() * 1000 print(len(list(takewhile(lambda x: x['createdTime'] > count_from, l)))) ```
predicted YES
@JoyVoid I still see it? And I won't resolve by the visual, I'll resolve by wasabipesto's API stats as described in the market description - my intent was to look at the last 7 days at some point around the end of the day 6/30, which would potentially include part of the end of 6/23. But it would be clearer to just use the API to get the number of markets created on the days 6/24-6/30 inclusive - assuming that reasonably agrees with wasabipesto's stats.
predicted YES
Best visual for the change in market creation so far is > Daily activity > Markets created. June 23 was when the daily free markets were removed.
bought Ṁ10 of NO
I was about to create one, only to realize it would be too much an investment. The investment issue is particularly a problem with long-term markets
bought Ṁ20 of YES
@ian made a similar market on the next month: