American politics 2023: Republicans retain their majority in the Virginia House of Delegates ?
resolved Jan 1

This market is part of series of predictions made by Matthew Yglesias. Please check the group to bet on them all.

Matthew Yglesias is a liberal American blogger and journalist who writes about economics and politics. He publishes the Substack newsletter Slow Boring.

Recently he made many predictions on American politics events, published on

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@itsTomekK resolve NO

predicted YES

@nikki isn't it still possible that Republicans regain majority before the end of 2023? Then I think it should resolve YES... correct me if i'm wrong please @teddy

predicted NO

@itsTomekK there are no more HoD elections in 2023. should resolve no

predicted YES

@SemioticRivalry no accidents can change it? Dems revolting, some death, idk...

predicted NO

@itsTomekK well even if it somehow reversed due to a bomb, Republicans still did not retain the house in 2023 because they just lost it, so it should resolve

predicted NO

Resolves NO

bought Ṁ75 of NO

I can't imagine the speaker extravaganza is good for Rs here

predicted NO

Virginia is a blue state, and it has a nonpartisan redistricting commission, so all else being equal, the House of Delegates should roughly reflect how people actually vote, which will be Democratic in a normal year. Republicans only have a slim majority that they won in 2021, at a time when the electoral environment was worse for Democrats than it has ever been in a long time. I think Democrats will probably flip it, as does this market:

bought Ṁ40 of NO

@JosephNoonan the median district is D+5 which is equal to the partisan lean of the state

predicted NO

@SemioticRivalry Makes sense, given the independent redistricting committee. So as I expected, that makes it very difficult for R's to win.

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