Will I be interning at Tesla this summer?
Jun 2

Here's who I am. On February 28th, I'm having an interview at Tesla.

Resolves "NO" if, by 06/01/2024, I don't get a signed internship offer from Tesla.

Resolves "YES" if, prior to 06/01/2024, I get a signed internship offer from Tesla.

I am not allowed to bet on this market :(


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bought Ṁ10 NO

I hope you get the internship if you still want it. With the recent layoffs and upheaval at Tesla, I am making a small NO bet.

Any updates on the status?

bought Ṁ10 NO from 36% to 35%
bought Ṁ15 YES

I'm a bit apprehensive to buy YES since the base rate is probably much lower than 40%, but I've worked with Arsenii before and he's a quite competent guy.

@RomanHauksson you'll probably see tomorrow :)

@RomanHauksson you have the largest "NO" position in this question 😐

What role is it for?

@Nils Product Engineer Intern at Tesla Discovery Team

"The Discovery team manages all discovery related products that help our users discover and learn about Tesla Products. This portfolio includes Non-Owner Tesla App, All Retail Software/Digital Surfaces & most of Tesla.com including complex systems such as Test Drive Scheduling, Self Serve Demo Drives and Tesla Assist (ML Chat Bot)."

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