What's your impression of the markets filtered by 'Closing'?
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If you toggle the Closing filter, (either with best or hot also toggled) do you see any markets you'd like to trade on? What is the approx. ratio of markets you're interested in vs those you're not? What markets are missing/what would you like to see there?

Context: One thing sports books do really well is have recurring content that resolves quickly so that traders get feedback quickly, and they have good reason to return to the app often. Stephen thinks that we have enough of these markets on Manifold, and that we just need to surface them better. I'm not so sure, so I added the closing toggle to let us quickly scan the markets and get a feel for the ones resolving soon.

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I'm not really interested in whether you like the closing button, but rather, the markets filtered by the closing button.


As a feature, I'm a big fan, & if anything I'd like 1-2 extra filters. "closing in 30 days is great", but a mid-range option like "90 days" would be great, I'm fine betting on stuff that won't resolve right away but there's a huge difference between "2 months" and "2028".

I do generally agree that Manifold is weaker at short resolving stuff than long term, because it's easier/requires less thought to make a long term market. So that's where the focus should be, although that's separate from "are there enough". High level, I think the biggest soft spot are markets with a known time they'll occur. "Will X happen in 2024" will resolve in the next 6 weeks, but it doesn't really focus people's attention. Sports, the "will Trump say X at Y rally", etc markets are strong because people know exactly when to pay attention and get the bets in.

Sports is the easiest/most consistent way to do this. I feel like there are already ~enough sports markets, but they're inconsistent/sporadic. Some more consistent, centralized, official-ish sports markets might help (so people know where to look).

Politics/AI are always the strong points. People interested in AI seem to be often bad at writing objective/meaningful/interesting questions but there's no easy fix for that. I think Manifold could be a bit stronger on general pop culture. When it's more diffuse, people aren't really in the habit of writing those questions. (E.g. last week I made one for people's sexiest man—never really took off but it's the kind of question where people don't normally think to make but people might want to bet on it once they see it).


As the question was about market contents and not the button, I'm answering again:

For me there are interesting markets in terms of making mana (usually longish term markets that will resolve soon and are overvalued), but rarely markets that are interesting to think about. However, I'm biased as I prefer longer markets, I'm more into predicting trends rather than betting on uncertain events.

While I'm not against shorter markets, it would be very difficult to make high quality short term markets that I personally would be interested in.


There aren't enough current news markets resolving weekly like sports games. It would be nice to see more of those pop up alongside the NFL games and such.


This might be more difficult to program, but something similar to a closing button, but where you can choose the time range it will be closing in would be fun to play with (e.g. If I want instant gratification, I could set it to 1 day). But overall, I like the option to filter by short-term-closing markets


I do like the new ability to combine the "closing in 7/30 days" filtering options with a sort option, such as sorting by liquidity. That's been on my wish list for a while!

As @Robincvgr and @ProjectVictory have said, the "Closing" button itself seems redundant (for me, it just activates the "closing in 30 days" filter). Maybe it would be clearer to extract the "closing in 7/30 days" filters out of the advanced filter/sort menu and have a new drop-down like this:

  • Closing any time

  • Closing in 30 days

  • Closing in 7 days


It's a lot more fun to emphasize markets that resolve soon, especially with loans still not being back, but I don't really see a reason to use this over the "closing soon" sort.


A relatively low percent of markets are ones that I want to trade on, though a bit higher than normal. When I think of closing I expect stuff that is about to close (<1 week) because I am impatient and don't really want to invest mana into a market that would close a year or more from now. As for a specific ratio its like ~1/20 or ~1/10 markets I am interested in.


This might not be the right place to ask, but as a regular user it's really unclear what the hot and best sortings actually mean, there's separate ones for highest trader number and highest volume so it can't mean that


I like the 7, 30, 90 days options on the right. As far as I can tell "closing" button in the middle is just an extra shortcut for 30 days, which seems unnecessary and slightly confusing. Wouldn't be annoyed if it stays, but don't see the point.


Looking now, most of the options filtering by closing didn’t interest me. I prefer the closing soon option. When I filter by closing I’m usually looking for stuff that is resolving extremely soon and unlikely to change, or I’m hoping to bet on something more “instant gratification” in which case many of them are still too far off. I don’t think there were more that 5 or so markets that I bet on after a significant amount of scrolling, and that’s if you include ones I had already bet on (aka no new bet placed)


I feel like the closing button is most useful for helping traders avoid having their mana locked up for long periods of time. I find it hard to use the closing button to take advantage of/make profit off of markets that haven't "converged to one extreme leaving not much room for profit", partly because lots of people are already hunting those markets, but also because the most restrictive option, 1 week, is too broad to find really advantageous markets in that respect. If you want to effectively help people take advantage of markets that are about to close (maybe to make the probabilities more accurate), you should add a button that says "Closing in 24 hours" or something similar.

Some markets are set to resolve a week or less after they are created, which means that they are in the all of the closing sections for their entire lifetime. It might be confusing if a market that just opened appears in the closing section, so I suggest that you also add something like "Closing in x%" that filters markets based on the percentage of their lifetime that has passed.

I am strongly in favor of filter options related to market closing. Something like within a day, within a week, within a month would be handy.

I'm not really interested in whether you like the closing button, but rather, the markets filtered by the closing button.

The feature is good, but the UX is weird.

  • "Closing" is not friendly terminology and doesn't mean anything to users who are less familiar with the platform. Maybe "Short term" or something else instead?

  • The fact that clicking the Closing button causes a non-adjacent toggle option to change seems really weird. Not sure how to fix this.

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