Will HealthyGamer.gg shut down their coaching program before 2025?

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I actually got a free 1-1 coach for 6 sessions from then as Twitch was paying for it for partnered Twitch streamers.

I personally didnt find it very helpful, but I think in practice the concept is cool. Dont see a reason they would shut it down. I think it definitely does more good than harm and they surely make decent profits from it (although unclear to me if they actually pocket that or just reinvest it into helping more ppl).

@DavidChee Some potential things (that could be true, but I have no way of knowing if they are) that might make someone expect them to shut it down:
If it's not profitable

If the services they provide are in a legal grey area (too close to therapy, some states require certification even for coaching)

If the contractor status of the coaches is a legal grey area