Will @GabeGarboden be underwhelmed with the Rabbit R1 after a week of use?
resolved May 7


Resolves to their judgement

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Resolved to YES, per review

Here’s my review!


First off, I really enjoy the look of the device. It’s extremely unique (dare I say iconic?)


Starting with powering on, the first noticeable issue is the usability of the scroll wheel. It’s painful to try and navigate the screen quickly. I also found it difficult to use the scroll wheel and the side button, as you must maneuver your hand to transition between scrolling and clicking. It’s also more frustrating knowing there’s a touch screen that they don’t allow you to use, compared with it not having a touch screen at all.


One of the biggest problems was it not hearing the prompt clearly. Half the time it would mishear and tell me something completely unrelated to the question.


There is some Spotify functionality, but not a ton. I asked it to play music I like, and it was unable to do that. It was able to shuffle my liked songs and other playlists when asked.


I did not attempt to call an uber with the device!!  I didn’t want to accidentally end up on the wrong side of town.


The funniest interaction I had was when I showed it an article and asked it to “summarize this,” to which it replied “I don’t see anything about frying biscuits.”


For now, there is little to no utility when compared to using ChatGPT on a phone. If Rabbit somehow manages to nail Large Action Models and improve every existing aspect of the device in near immeasurable ways, there’s a chance it could be pretty cool. I was expecting more functionality and was disappointed by the delays in releasing LAM’s for other apps. For now, I can firmly say I’m underwhelmed.


This question should resolve YES. @traders

bought Ṁ100 YES from 78% to 81%
bought Ṁ100 YES

@GabeGarboden That’s too bad! If only they were able to deliver what they showed off originally.

Just got this email

why is this market so pessimistic?

bought Ṁ50 YES

@Jono3h personally I'm pessimistic about the r1 until I see evidence otherwise. Once the "wow, AI magic!" shine wears off, even the official demos are pretty underwhelming in practical terms.

Reference- Gabe has ordered one