Will 10 or more people, with streaks of 200 or more, comment in this market?
resolved Jul 25

Post ss of your streak if you've got it >=200. I'll verify using the api once it's back enabled.

Manifold markets daily streaks only.

I have a streak above 200, but I won't count for this market

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predicted YES

I hit a streak of 250 today. So, I'm rerunning this market, closes in a week

predicted NO

Anyone has an approximation on the number of people with streak>200? I guesstimated it to be ~30 because the first 200 streak only happened a few months ago

predicted NO

@SavioMak my guess would have been higher than yours (50?). When I joined it felt like the were hundreds of active users (don't know the actual stats) and now it feels like many of those people are still active. Maybe I'm typical-minding, but to me it's very tempting to keep the streak, and very easy. So I'd assume that most people active at time X and time X + d will have a streak of at least d days.

Should be fairly easy to work out using the API. Somebody (chrisjbillington?) posted some code in the other market that could probably be adapted.

predicted NO

@Fion That script was the modified one, stripped down so as to not list all users with streaks, lest someone tag them all and wreck my NO position ;). Full script and output here. There are currently 80 users with streaks ≥200.

predicted NO

@chrisjbillington Thanks for sharing. That was fun to see the list, and you've inspired me to finally get API-reading code working on my machine. I'm kind of in awe of how easy it is. (Well, easy if you just copy somebody else's code!)

predicted YES

10 people didn't even submitted a ss in the comments of their streak. No need to check, though some really impressive streaks in here. Resolves NO. Any objections before I resolve?

sold Ṁ16 of YES
bought Ṁ5 of YES

last day

Note that this market is tagged non predictive. I don't get traders bonus from this market and since I don't watch markets by default, won't get notifications. Someone tag me when you think it can be resolved, otherwise I'll check at close

bought Ṁ10 of YES
bought Ṁ10 of YES
predicted YES

@Benx What's to stop someone using inspect element to fake it anyway, though? Maybe firstuserhere should go through the people's bets just to be safe

@ShadowyZephyr the api provided a user's streak. Ideally that's the solution, but if it's not re enabled then yeah

bought Ṁ10 of YES


200 at time of comment, or at market close?

@chrisjbillington you can always make another comment when you've got >=200 before market close

@firstuserhere I can. But will I...?

Edit: and seriously, does resolution depend on whether I do?

@chrisjbillington yes you gotta post a ss of you having >=200 streak

bought Ṁ25 of YES

I am aware of this market. End of comment

bought Ṁ10 of YES


predicted YES

Oh nvm I cant count today lol

bought Ṁ50 of YES