How many dreams will duck_master log in the summer of 2023 (June - August)?
resolved Sep 1

I am an extremely prolific dreamer, and I've been logging my dreams in one way or another since late 2016. In fact, dreaming is one of my favorite hobbies.

As of market creation (May 13, 2023), I have logged 285 dreams. However, these dreams are rather unequally spaced in time; I have noticed three periods of higher dreaming activity (which I think correspond to periods of a heightened sense of agency): late 2016 - mid 2017; early 2020 - early 2021; and late 2022 - present (although I could be past the height of the last period already). I can discuss dream statistics in more detail if you ask in the comments.

In this market, I ask: How many dreams will I log between June 1, 2023 and August 31, 2023, inclusive? (Thus, the market resolves on September 1, 2023.)

Note that I will not reveal the content of my dreams except to those I have met in the flesh (although it's random and mostly unrelated to my waking life, as far as I can tell).

EDIT: I've boldly switched to making this a season-based market because that seems like much more of a natural abstraction to me than business quarters are.

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Resolving today since I dreamt the last dream I'll ever dream this summer. I had 9 dreams in June, 9 dreams in July, and 12 dreams in August, for a total of 30.

(Note: I have included naps as separate dreams in their own right in the count.)

bought Ṁ25 of HIGHER

Currently at 7 dreams.

predicted LOWER

Now at 13 dreams.

predicted LOWER

Now up to 21.