Will Apple stock (AAPL) first hold $260 before failing $250 for a week?
Jan 27

Last price: 2025-Jan-06 $245.00 (week high $247.33)

(will try to update meaningful moves after Nasdaq close)

Resolves after the first week (Monday 9:30am to Friday 4pm ET) since market creation (2024-Dec-28) during which the price stays above $260 (YES) or below $250 (NO) for the whole week. In other words, the first time one of these is the case after Friday's close:

Resolves YES if AAPL weekly low > $260

Resolves NO if AAPL weekly high < $250

Will extend closing date as needed. Reference is publicly-quoted weekly high/low, adjusted for any future stock splits (e.g. if it splits 2:1 at $250 then quoted prices next day would be $125 post split but would not cause it to resolve NO since reference price for this market would be x2).

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bought Ṁ4 YES

Testing the waters again with these, now that fees are gone and trader bonuses back, and made it a week-long constraint. I'll start off at Basic and see how it goes, but may add back the trader bonuses as subsidies.

Alright upgraded to plus since I'm swimming in mana now, and I'll still add the trader bonuses. :)

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