We're playing as black this time. Check the game board at https://lichess.org/sLmZPb9nTcNv
This is a "Policy" market. The "Stake" market is
You can suggest any move here, but in order to vote on a move you need to be holding YES in the stake market.
In order to vote, you should make a comment that says "!VOTE <move>". Only your latest vote counts. I'll randomly select a suggested move, weighted by the number of YES shares held by the users who voted for it. The precise evaluation time will be "some point soon after this market closes" but I'm not committing to any particular time.
This market resolves to the chosen move, and that move will be used for the continuation of the game.
"Resign" is a valid move.
Previous move:
@citrinitas Can you please make a game link like the one used in the original [manifold plays chess]? I want to see what stockfish thinks
@citrinitas your random number is: 439
Salt: 4aORhfiRjkRfDULc3xfo, round: 2640101 (signature 973496d6d5dc8de5e2135dcf1f153fc4bfcd2bc99db188f049ea09a6ad87e2229d341a4d30633ecb9a5e60e745aca75f0e384e37ff7124ada37f2c4a67ebb220ae2bde11be55246a46820189159adf40485a93b6bc5b0ecb94ac5fcb6f965b0e)
@citrinitas you asked for a random integer between 1 and 986, inclusive. Coming up shortly!
Source: GitHub, previous round: 2640099 (latest), offset: 2, selected round: 2640101, salt: 4aORhfiRjkRfDULc3xfo.
@citrinitas voted Nf6 (weight 100)
@Fion voted Nf6 (weight 38)
@TenShino voted Nf6 (weight 651)
@deagol voted f5 (weight 197)
Nf6: 789
f5: 197
To be chosen from a random draw 1-986
1-789 = Nf6
790-986 = f5
@citrinitas What happened here!!! I voted resign and I don't even get put into the choice? Refund?
"Resign" is a valid move.
@GanymedeAI Similar thing happened last time when I put in 300 and it didn't get counted, this is some absolute bull
@GanymedeAI No I in AI? You sold off your stake before evaluation. https://manifold.markets/citrinitas/manifold-plays-chess-2-5-oo#HWuCcw7hfH89E0Pmujhc
@deagol Yeah, but this is a different market and there is no rule anywhere posted here.
I am literally leaving manifold after this bullshit
@GanymedeAI Your position here doesn’t give you votes. Only YES shares held at time of evaluation in the main market gives you votes.
"In order to vote, you should make a comment that says "!VOTE <move>". Only your latest vote counts. I'll randomly select a suggested move, weighted by the number of YES shares held by the users who voted for it. The precise evaluation time will be "some point soon after this market closes" but I'm not committing to any particular time."
@GanymedeAI “This is a "Policy" market. The "Stake" market is [embedded]. You can suggest any move here, but in order to vote on a move you need to be holding YES in the stake market.” [emphasis mine]
@GanymedeAI Your profile publicly shows all your trades for all to check. You held YES shares in the stake market (your votes were counted and you profited in previous moves markets) up until 5 hours before last night's evaluation (screen shot time is my local timezone UTC-4), when you voted "Resign" here and sold off your YES stake, thus annulling your 129 votes.
@GanymedeAI Indeed @deagol is correct here. The "weight" of your vote is the number of YES shares in the "stake" market. I'm sorry if that's not totally clear -- I've made several warnings, but some people have still been voting with no stake in the linked market.
I'll adopt @deagol's bold formatting in future markets to try to make it more straightforward, and I can adjust "weighted by the number of YES shares held" to "weighted by the number of YES shares held in the stake market"
@citrinitas Maybe also add “at evaluation time” just to make it super clear. In any case it was pretty clear to me and confirmed after I saw the first couple of move evaluations.
I mean it's probably gonna happen one of these days given @ms's position
But maybe you can profit by guessing exactly when?
@citrinitas With all the hedging and so many chances in every “next move” market and the randomness injection and several whales circling, all the incentives align against black.
I’m just the guy throwing shrimp at a school of fish from the deck of the whale-watching cruise, hoping to snap a nice photo.