[Manifold Plays Chess 2] 19. exd3 ...
resolved Feb 9

We're playing as black this time. Check the game board at https://lichess.org/sLmZPb9nTcNv

Lichess analysis: https://lichess.org/analysis/r1q1k2r/pp1n1pp1/2p4p/4b3/8/B1PP2P1/P1NP3P/R4RK1_b_kq_-_0_19?color=black

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You can suggest any move here, but in order to vote on a move you need to be holding YES in the stake market.

In order to vote, you should make a comment that says "!VOTE <move>". Only your latest vote counts. I'll randomly select a suggested move, weighted by the number of YES shares in the stake market held by the users who voted for it. The precise evaluation time will be "some point soon after this market closes" but I'm not committing to any particular time.

This market resolves to the chosen move, and that move will be used for the continuation of the game.

"Resign" is a valid move.

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Oof. How is this not just a worse Qc7?

@citrinitas very worse

@citrinitas but some said sniping was fine it all just same odds of picking the bad one 😔

@citrinitas Eh, just my paranoia of someone trying to blunder the queen and I'd rather castle king-side and Qb8 prevents castling queen-side. It's not optimal, but it's not a bad move.

@TenShino gotta say I love the stochastic aspect of this. Gotta defend against your own queenside castle

@TenShino still need c5 to castle kingside, but playing it now would’ve preserved our edge. Oh and Qb8 does not prevent queenside castle.

@TenShino you do realize you eventually gonna have to use her, at risk of anyone’s blunder, if you wanna win this game, don’t you? Also, you do know anyone wanting to throw the game can just vote for Resign, right?

@citrinitas your random number is: 13903

Salt: xUJBeuEZAZYx3BvCWrbt, round: 2683314 (signature adaa4bcd83e69f85bed0b2cfe337567642184547a25e5c1d9114c7da242e433490252d860e439f5e1f91f32756af657d0a5f0676553731e906ce95f333439ffa08396b62d70df069af4e15178f9b678929af2386f7c645edc966350814b1ddaa)

@citrinitas you asked for a random integer between 1 and 14696, inclusive. Coming up shortly!

Source: GitHub, previous round: 2683312 (latest), offset: 2, selected round: 2683314, salt: xUJBeuEZAZYx3BvCWrbt.

@AndrewG voted Bf6 (weight 390)

@citrinitas voted Qc7 (weight 373)

@A voted Bf6 (weight 316)

@deagol voted Bf6 (weight 781)

@BionicD0LPH1N voted Bf6 (weight 1354)

@TenShino voted Qb8 (weight 5582)

@harfe voted Qc7 (weight 5900)


Bf6: 2841

Qc7: 6273

Qb8: 5582

To be chosen from a random draw 1-14696

1-2841 = Bf6

2842-9114 = Qc7

9115-14696 = Qb8

You guys keeping me this late can’t ever trust 😝

twas @jack the other day, and that’s 3/3 top generals sniping 😅



@TenShino whats good about that move?

@harfe prolongs the game, and thus these lotteries?


Majority so far, and I meant users not votes. !vote Bf6


Right, we’d lose castling rights but that’s actually ok, no need to castle as our king will be safe sitting in d8. Just a bit longer, few more moves to get our queen out.

After playing with stockfish for a bit I think we're at some kind of tipping point where there's a bunch of options for both sides about where things are going to develop. There's a lot of scenarios where it's just endless subtle positioning back and forth, and I think the best way to avoid that is to use our queen to force things along. So !VOTE Qc7

@citrinitas Clearest and most focused is h5. Just let it sit for a while and will reveal itself. All others get bogged down in tricky maneuvers mostly trying to save our vulnerable bishop while dealing with white’s active rooks, for a change we are under attack. But h5+h6+hxg7 hits like a lightning bolt once it realizes the bishop and all else is a distraction. The goal is to get the king.

Having said that, both Qe7 or c5 lets us castle and activate our queen, which I guess is fine for farming a few more subsidies along the way.

sorry I obviously meant h5+h4+hxg3 (was going by memory without looking at the board, and mind played the upside down trick) 🙃

@deagol “both Qe7 or c5” ugh of course meant Qc7… hate these uneditable comments.

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