[Manifold Plays Chess 2] 14. Nc2 ...
resolved Feb 4

We're playing as black this time. Check the game board at https://lichess.org/sLmZPb9nTcNv

Lichess analysis: https://lichess.org/analysis/rnq1k2r/ppp2pp1/3b3p/5b2/4n3/1QP3P1/P1NPPP1P/R1B2RK1_b_kq_-_5_14?color=black

This is a "Policy" market. The "Stake" market is

You can suggest any move here, but in order to vote on a move you need to be holding YES in the stake market.

In order to vote, you should make a comment that says "!VOTE <move>". Only your latest vote counts. I'll randomly select a suggested move, weighted by the number of YES shares in the stake market held by the users who voted for it. The precise evaluation time will be "some point soon after this market closes" but I'm not committing to any particular time.

This market resolves to the chosen move, and that move will be used for the continuation of the game.

"Resign" is a valid move.

Previous move:

to start trading!

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@citrinitas your random number is: 7699

Salt: 9g9bqRm3Hit6o8nrDjff, round: 2668911 (signature 8e64ea805b21bcd3b198779be6184b27363b8c4ba629c272b9f990f0f66931c27b326a0d691b8b0da0c17b7a3dd9c137000ffe9dec6bc0b631797fe0ceefa5dad3959302bec8a1da7179f983a95b0c20e070fa354af772d2be31fa8f20df4200)

@citrinitas you asked for a random integer between 1 and 11828, inclusive. Coming up shortly!

Source: GitHub, previous round: 2668909 (latest), offset: 2, selected round: 2668911, salt: 9g9bqRm3Hit6o8nrDjff.

@citrinitas voted O-O (weight 40)

@deagol voted O-O (weight 1019)

@jack voted Be5 (weight 7084)

@A voted O-O (weight 85)

@prigoryan voted O-O (weight 173)

@TenShino voted O-O (weight 3427)


O-O: 4744

Be5: 7084

To be chosen from a random draw 1-11828

1-4744 = O-O

4745-11828 = Be5





@jack Nonsense, hope the die roll kills it.

We should gang up against it, so I change to the best move: !vote O-O

@deagol It doesn't actually help to all vote for the same other move - if the votes of everyone else are split or united it's the same chance of one of them winning

@jack What, scared of the coin toss? Maybe YES just wants to signal we can stick together, for when it’s really needed (forced moves are bound to come). You may not wanna go back to having mountains of capital tied up to control say 90% of the votes, or do you?

Sticking to the plan as you wanted, boss: get more fools to overpay and pump the Y shitcoin right into your 25% limit sell, while your puppet takes all their money. Not much more to rake in though, given how all can see you pushing evasive moves. And your other, secret goal seems a bit uphill, or looking pointless.

I feel almost ready to go at the king !vote h5

Reminder to @JoshuaB I still owe you ᛗ419

@citrinitas Ṁ (apparently non-standard rendering of this?)

@citrinitas just noted the stakes market didn’t get updated with the last move

@deagol Ah, thanks for the reminder. Manifold takes a bit (~15m?) to update its "embed market" search with new markets, so I have to wait a bit to update the description. I guess I tabbed away while waiting and forgot

I'm advocating ᛗ because it's got a cool name ("Mannaz") and doesn't need a modified glyph

@citrinitas Have you tried the [ </> Embed ] button in the market info popup (accessed through the ••• at top right of the page) for the newly created market? I think that should save you the 15 minute wait.

@citrinitas Perfect name of that rune! I’ll advocate for ᛗ too.


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