Will @ithildulin outperform me in every aspect through high school?
resolved Oct 21

So, uh, @ithildulin is significantly better than me in every way, by which I mean that they have not lost to me once in any competition we both took part in. (I placed 13th nationwide? Well, they placed 9th, and Leah never let me hear the end of it *incoherent grumbles* )

Market resolves NO if there exists some standard- math, AP test, etc- that both @ithildulin and I take and I get at least as good a score as they do, so long as the standard measures both of our abilities relatively close to each other (i.e. if I do better in an AP test that I take in senior year than they do in freshman year, it doesn't count, but if we both take it in the same year and they don't outperform me, then it does count). Hope that makes sense!

While I doubt that I'll ever outperform @ithildulin, it is very possible that we both take a standard (around the same time) that is easy enough for both of us to ace, or hard enough for both of us to miserably fail. (I think my only chance at this is AP Calculus, but one can hope...)

I'm open to answering questions (mostly about what counts as a standard). In general, though, it should be a pretty widely recognized standard (so, like, I can't say "I wrote more words on my essay than you!", but even performing higher in a specific section of the SAT than them would count).

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@cece ???

i was gonna say you can use robotics team as an example but welppp

(yes i'm just bullying you)

predicted YES

@ithildulin GO AWAY


@cece we didn't even do that well smh thought it would be an easy target frfr

predicted YES

@ithildulin svr just you wait

@ithildulin sheeesh



@cece no literally you guys would have beaten us if not for your arm 💀 so svr you have a good chance

@ithildulin lol uh- about this-

reading the description for a second time and realizing once again how stupid the basis of this market is

predicted YES

@ithildulin literally everything i do is stupid how is this a surprise

this feels like a bad market 🙃

reading your description again and remembering that time leah just straight up roasted you

ohhh the good memories

predicted YES

@ithildulin shush that still haunts me

@halfaswiftie "the things that haunt me in the middle of the night"

predicted YES

@ithildulin #1: leah

@halfaswiftie i should tell her this i think she'd be amused

[leah voice] "oh i haunt people in the middle of the night?? that's cool"

predicted YES

@ithildulin [leah voice] "i won't haunt you so long as you DO YOUR WORK"

@halfaswiftie [leah voice] "actually never mind, haunting someone sounds fun" laughs and walks away to get coffee

predicted YES


predicted NO

manifold markets portfolio value, arguably the pinnacle of all standards

@Conflux oh wait true @halfaswiftie resolve no now

predicted YES

@Conflux i meant more like academic standard, or some standard that we both sort of care equally about (otherwise i'm like infinitely better than amelia at being tall)

predicted NO

@halfaswiftie does competition math count

@halfaswiftie you're not even that tall

i think we care equally about portfolio value (i care so much mhmhmhm)

@DeadRhino yes but i'm still better than him at comp math

@ithildulin no jk i think you'll have done better than me at bamo this year i sorta screwed it up

predicted YES

@ithildulin yea but ur just short

predicted YES

@ithildulin also bamo was difficult this year as in i p much only solved 1, 2, and a bit of 3 (and 4 but i didn't write it down) so u did better i think

@halfaswiftie not shorter than your-

predicted YES

@ithildulin not shorter than my friend @8, is what you meant to say

@halfaswiftie so true so true

@halfaswiftie wtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtf