Will my dad walk 100,000 steps in one day before the end of 2024?
resolved Jan 19

I told my dad about this market

and asked him if he could walk 100,000 steps in a day. For some background, he loves walking, taking about 25,000 steps in a normal day. He's also very fit because he walks and exercises a lot. He said that he's strongly considering trying to walk 100,000 steps in one day next year. I think he's taking it as a fun challenge. Will he do it next year?

He's never really intentionally tried to take a ton of steps in one day, but he has unintentionally walked 50,000 steps before.

I'll provide updates on this. Feel free to ask me questions too. I won't bet because I have insider info

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He did it!

predicted YES

Save the date (March 30th) if you degenerate gamblers want more step action (btw I think the below is under-priced)

@AlQuinn 120000 is crazy though. Most people are finishing 100k step challenges with little time to spare

bought Ṁ500 of YES

looks like he is far enough to where if he fails, it would nag at him and he would definitely try again and figure out anything that went wrong this time

bought Ṁ100 of YES



@cc6 good luck to him!!!

predicted YES

@cc6 go dad go! 🧡


@traders he's going to bed now and plans to wake up at 6:30am tomorrow to get ready and start his walk. He'll text me updates and I'll forward them to you all. Let's see if he can do it!

@traders He says that he's planning on doing it on Thursday because the weather's good

predicted YES

@cc6 does he have a route in mind, or is he just going to wander around?

predicted YES

@cc6 ill join him

@AlQuinn Yeah, he has a route planned. Don't want to give too much away about our location but he has this loop that he planned out and he's going to do it twice to get to 100k steps

Remind him!

@firstuserhere He's going to try next week hopefully, don't worry he hasn't forgotten.

bought Ṁ60 of YES

@cc6 I believe

@AlQuinn @firstuserhere okay, now he’s saying next week (the week starting on the 15th)

He said that he's going to try to walk the 100k steps in the last week of December or first week of January (the coming one). And he'll try again if he fails. So we have the whole year for him to successfully be able to do it! @traders

He's 100% confident that he can do it

bought Ṁ20 of NO

How old is your dad?

How cold does it get on a typical day in each of March, July, and November where your dad lives?

Would your dad count steps on a treadmill for this challenge or would it be fully outdoors?

Did you tell your dad that you weren't betting on him? If so, did he seem disappointed?

@MagWildwood He's 53. We live in the SF Bay Area so climate shouldn't be a big issue (aside from a few hot days and whatnot). He's planning on doing the whole thing outdoors (we don't have a treadmill). He doesn't seem to mind that people are betting on him, maybe he even likes the challenge.

bought Ṁ1 YES at 41%

@cc6 Doing it indoors is cheating. All needs to be outside to count

@MarcusAbramovitch I talked to him about his plans and the whole thing is going to be outdoors (maybe he might briefly go into a store or something to buy food and those steps would register but that's it)

bought Ṁ40 of YES

@cc6 rooting for him!

predicted YES