Will I complete 100 leetcode problems in 2023?
resolved Oct 2

I have a programming job but I wanted to brush up on some algorithmic puzzles. Will probably just be the first 100 ones, completion mostly just a matter of motivation (hence the market)

current progress: https://leetcode.com/brubsby/


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Unsolicited advice against my own interests: I find I can get into a good groove by doing sequences of related problems. If I fail one problem, I read the solution, then move to one of the suggested followups. The second solution often has a similar pattern, which you’re more likely to recognize. And solving it successfully rewards you for having learned the pattern, so you’ll be more likely to remember it in the far future.

predicted YES

@XTXinverseXTY this advice actually underrated, many recommendation chains have you building copy-pasteable components for the next question. I'm up to 37/100 today

bought Ṁ10 of YES

100 is not hard to do, I've done ~250 myself without being much motivated to do it. I think doing mostly mediums should not take much time, but also allow for a large number of probs

predicted YES

@firstuserhere yeah, I think with enough motivation and a cleared schedule I could burn through them pretty quick, but life and other goals gets in the way. currently at 12/100. the hard problems really like to present as a simple problem but then getting the last little trick from out of the blue takes a ton of time to come up with on your own.

also, in doing them, I'm optimizing for my learning/interview practice rather than completion speed, so that necessarily slows it down a bit.

bought Ṁ30 of YES

@brubsby 250 was definitely going to be the next iteration of this market if 100 proved too small, remains to be seen though.

predicted YES

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