Resolves YES if my net worth exceeds M1,000,000 at any point before May 31st 11:59pm ET, for at least three consecutive hours. Note net worth not profit.
I’ve gone from 50k to 450k in net worth in the last five months, a compound monthly return of about 55%. This is pleasing to me.
At that rate it would take til about May 1st to get to M1mil. But bets you can size anywhere near optimally large get harder to find as you scale up. Also I may have more time constraints these few months. And maybe I’ll just get worse.
But I’ll include profits from my bot if I transfer them back from that account to this. I don’t know how much I’ll use the bot or if it will be profitable.
At least 3 hours to prevent payout glitches or blips from whales in markets I’ve got a huge position in.
@Bayesian if i took more than 3 hours to pay back i suppose. but don’t want debt. if i get a managram unprompted im keeping it