Currently there is no McDonald's in Armenia.
This market will be resolved as YES if in year 2023 the McDonald's location is opened in Yerevan and an oridnary person can walk inside a buy some food (the timezone used for this market is Armenia Time, AMT)
This should be an official location, not the stealing the name.
If the location is opend in 2023, but then closes this also resoves as YES.
Will be resolved as NO if there is no McDonald's in Yerevan in 2023.
(if the location only annoced, but not opened this will be resolved as NO; if the location is under constraction in 2023 and does not serve food in 2023 this is resolved as NO )
This will be resolved as NO if McDonald's is opened in Armenia, but not in Yerevan. This market is about McDonald's in Yerevan, not in the other places of Armenia.
## When the resoution will happen
This marked will be resoved as YES shortly after this event occurs (I will use several news sources that should state that this has happened, and I will also check some social platforms, instagram and/or foursquare and/or yelp)
This marked will be resolved as NO after the market is closed in the beginning of 2024 if the location is not opened in 2023.
## Author betting policy
I can bet on this market.
## All my markets on this topic
/bessarabov/will-mcdonalds-open-a-location-in-y — this market
Resolving this as NO
I have no evidence of the presence of McDonald's in Yerevan Armenia. I've checked the sources: