Will there be WAN show Aug 25th including both Luke and Linus?
resolved Aug 26

Will resolve yes if a Linus Tech Tips WAN show is presented on Aug 25 including both Luke and Linus as the main hosts.

If broadcast exclusive to one streaming platform (e.g. only Twitch, Youtube, or FloatPlane) this will still resolve Yes.

  • Edited to resolve by midnight PDT, location of LTT business: Surrey, British Columbia

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bought Ṁ300 of YES

looking more positive…

bought Ṁ200 of YES

@awse From Twitch chat: "LinusTech: get some dinner. We'll be live soon, but I've gotta look at some stuff first -LS"

So... what time zone are you using to resolve this :)

@Nick332 I believe it’s fair to use PDT, as it’s where LTT is headquarters. Let me know if you think that’s fair.

bought Ṁ20 of NO

Does this resolve N/A if there is no WAN show on the 25th?

@NoyaV It will resolve No if there is no WAN show. Let me know if you disagree, I am new here.

curious what will go down today, if anything! i miss the show tbh

sold Ṁ47 of YES

With the lack of comms since last week I am starting to wonder whether this is a goer. If the external report into the Madison allegations isn’t finalised and they haven’t got a concrete action plan, I certainly wouldn’t want to go into a live show without having a solid platform to stand on. I’m easing back my YES accordingly.