Will I get a positive response back from Atlas Fellowship?
resolved May 23

currently finished my stage 2 application, had a lot of fun! i feel like i got all of the questions correct and the ones where you put your own ideas i felt logically sound on all of them.

what i actually mean by positive is by their application status date (June 10 2023) i recieve at least one of the following:

  • a finalist

  • a fellowist

  • i get a discord server invite link (from an offical email, no current atlas fellow can market manipulate)

of course if i dont get an interview (stage 3) this immediately resolves to no, unless they state in the stage 3 email that they would like to me reapply on a future date. i know some programs do this, especially for younger students, but im not sure about atlas.

thank you @Devansh for helping me correct the resolution criteria... thats my bad lol

overall atlas and people associated with it seem really cool! hope to become a fellow fellow :)

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predicted YES

news from this will come out in around 2 days. hoping for the best!!!

predicted YES

for the people who are voting, ill give some more information. deadline has passed, but i wont reveal them just in case there was a bit of text that said to not talk about them. instead ill talk about how i felt.

i felt... pretty good actually! most of my thoughts were pretty coherent, although now i feel that my arguments could be updated/tweaked a bit. i feel that i lowballed some guesses, but im still confident that i was close to the correct answer. i know for a fact that i got at least 2 of the more mathematical questions correct, as long as i didnt mess up any calculatations.

definetly had a favorite question, definetly had a question that i felt a little weak on (the lowballing), but overall highly engaging and i hope to get in!

predicted YES

if you wonder about the peak, know that my resolution criteria was severely lacking...

predicted YES

am remembering now that a lot of atlas ppl are on the site 😭