Will we have more than 150 ideas on aisafetyideas.com within the next two weeks?
resolved Jun 7
aisafetyideas.com is a platform for AI safety & governance ideas to spread and be stored. See also https://manifold.markets/kran/will-aisafetyideascom-reach-200000. I will update the /open page (https://aisafetyideas.com/open) with a live metric of the amount of shovel-ready and filtered AI safety project ideas we have on the platform. We will of course ensure the quality of the ideas and not kneel to the metric! Our current estimate of the amount of ideas that are available and slightly written out (e.g. on LW, EAF, spreadsheets, a call) is at least at 250 and we need to write out each idea to be easily accessible instead of undefined in nature.
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bought Ṁ500 of NO
I like the idea, so here's me motivating people to add ideas!
predicted YES
@Jjmmm Thank you Jimmy but unfortunately, we didn't reach the goal! A lot of other work piled on top haha - but the amount doubled within 6 hours which was quite productive ;)
bought Ṁ100 of YES
Should be mentioned that we have an open submission page on https://aisafetyideas.com/submit which is also the process we use internally.