Will the manifold app change its theme for Halloween this year?
resolved Oct 23

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predicted YES

a single fucking pumpkin, Manifold?! cool fine whatever

predicted YES

@Stralor yeah I was betting based on like "nobody's gonna be bothered retheming the whole site". But that's my bad, this obviously counts and I wasn't in "actually assess the resolution criteria" mode when I bet.

And there's a bat too!

sold Ṁ67 of YES

@firstuserhere I missed that. cool cool

@Stralor I'm also dumb as a brick and sold YES right before resolution. it's like I want negative profits in league

predicted YES

@Stralor Yeah if you do another thousand of those early sells at 99% you're out of your 5.5k lead 😱

predicted YES

@Stralor don't worry, I bet on a Levi market today. We all make mistakes.

@HenriThunberg ahaha fair point. my brain was like "that cost you 79 profit in leagues!" when it really only cost me a fraction of a mana

@chrisjbillington what Levi market?

@Stralor Do y'all prefer that complicated one or the new simple one?

@ian complicated feels more manifold-y, simple one is elegant

@firstuserhere BTW I wasn't criticizing your resolution. it seems fair :+1:

@ian I also agree with Pat here, simple one is more elegant

@Stralor Yeah, no worries!

sold Ṁ10 of NO

@chrisjbillington because of comment order I thought for a second you were threatening to quit manifold because of the origami bat design 😂

predicted YES

@Joshua haha I mean I do prefer the thicc bat but not quite that strongly

@ian idea: force dark mode on the light-mode peasants for halloween 😈

@Stralor and when they try to change it pop up a toast: 'what, are you afraid of the dark?'

@ian ahaha

@MichaelWheatley always nice to see two of the top-10 whales pitting against each other

why are the accounts who already have a lot of profits always the fastest ones : ( 👍

predicted YES


fast agin

bought Ṁ400 of YES

@Joshua you beat me to it

bought Ṁ236 of YES

@JustifieduseofFallibilism Even if I'm at 0 balance, I used to find it a lot harder to redirect mana to a market I knew was gonna close soon, when I had to scramble from lots of different markets.

@HenriThunberg When this market was at 95% I had to think for 20 seconds if I should sell some of my superconductor stock for the 5% in one day instead of in a year, but by that time it was at 99% of course.

predicted YES

@JustifieduseofFallibilism you can feel better by the fact that you're making the world a more sound place with your position in the superconductor market 💪

bought Ṁ5,000 of YES

@JustifieduseofFallibilism 2% returns in ten minutes is nothing to sneeze at. As far as I'm concerned you got here early too.

predicted YES

@MichaelWheatley there's a "Picasso charging $10k for a napkin sketch" analogy to make here but I won't go there.