Will someone post a picture or video of a manifold markets tshirt on a beach? (3 days challenge)
resolved Jul 24

Can be on the beach, or can be worn by a person who is on the beach.

Insider trading encouraged.

Picture/video must be posted publicly either directly in the comments section or a link to in the comment section of this market only.

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bought Ṁ40 of YES
bought Ṁ1,100 of YES

@BTE nice I have the same design

sold Ṁ20 of NO

@BTE noooo I was hoping for drama over whether my photo counted

predicted NO

@BTE When I read "Insider trading encouraged" and you were not on the trader list, I knew what this was leading up to 😂

predicted NO

indisputable proof I hope y’all will agree

bought Ṁ1,200 of YES

@levifinkelstein what do you think? your experience with subjective market resolutions is invaluable, so, I'm asking for consultation: is this enough for a YES?

sold Ṁ12 of NO

I was at the beach yesterday with my manifold shirt on but I forgot to take any pics.

predicted NO

firstuserhere confirmed over discord that standing on the grass near a beach doesn't count as being "on the beach."

bought Ṁ5 of NO

I could go to a screen printing shop and make a knockoff manifold shirt and do it 🤣 🤣


@jojomonsta are you gonna do it?

predicted YES

@firstuserhere I could go to a different Lake but it's much further

sold Ṁ72 of NO

@firstuserhere I have learned from the AI letter market. Not gonna gamble away my profit this time!

predicted YES

@Mira do you live near a beach?

predicted YES

@firstuserhere Yes! A proper sandy beach next to a saltwater body if I'm willing to go a little further out. And besides that, I asked a "beach expert" if this nearby lake shore at the local park counts, since I'm lazy:

Sadly I do not have a Manifold shirt. 😭

bought Ṁ0 of YES

@Mira I was planning to go to a "beach" at a local lake but now I'm not sure if it is a beach

predicted YES

@jojomonsta Sounds like you need to check Google street view and consult a beach expert.

predicted YES

@Mira I trust in firstuserhere's friend

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@jojomonsta I'm gonna start offering bounties if that doesnt work out

bought Ṁ1,500 of YES

So many manifold users live near a beach, come on, someone can easily do it!

bought Ṁ5 of NO

@firstuserhere I do, but no Manifold shirt 😭

bought Ṁ0 of YES

@SirCryptomind oh no

I think the admins also live near or work near beaches

predicted YES

@SirCryptomind bet yes, if nothing happens in 3-4 hrs, I'll call a friend and try to get them to do it myself

predicted NO

@firstuserhere gonna get sniped by an admin 😭

predicted NO