Will i stay off manifold for 24 hours? (Today) (Big limit order)
resolved Jul 9

Manifold is the site/app whatever.

Will i stay off manifold for 24 hrs starting after my comment "starts now" in this markets comment section?

Any like/comment/market/bet/any other action disqualifies me.

If anyone noticed any such action, feel free to come and take my mana. (I've deleted all alts I had but those count too. No action means no action)

The reason this is even a thing is that I have a 196 day streak. i use manifold daily. I should try taking some breaks. This is a test to see whether i feel addicted to use the site or if it's not so.

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predicted YES

I felt the urge to continue using manifold for the first few hours. Like, I got done after an important call which went great, I leaned back and opened manifold on the phone before promptly closing it. I was waiting in line for the groceries checkout and again, opened manifold and closed it. After that, I just told myself to focus. It is for sure addictive.

I dont like to delete apps to restrict usage, i much much muchhh more prefer to exert self-control and make sure its a genuine usage. Anyway, I substituted the urge to open manifold with reading something light; not a paper. I read this fantastic little story called A Casino Odyssey in Cyberspace by Roger Williams

This was a great read, I read it out loud and recorded it. Pretty fun 24 hour break I'd say.

sold แน€10 of NO

is this going to build up for a longer break?

bought แน€5 of YES

starts now

@Feanor are you breaking the streak or will you have gotten it already

predicted NO

@higherLEVELING there's also streak forgiveness

predicted YES

@levifinkelstein and limit orders can trigger daily trade streaks. but @Feanor confirmed on discord that they got their streak in for the day already anyway

@levifinkelstein whats streak forgiveness? does that mean its okay for him to press an action for streak? or is it something else

predicted NO

@higherLEVELING manifold allows you to miss some days and still keep your streak

@levifinkelstein what? no way.. that's a real thing.. how do i get one of those?

predicted YES

@higherLEVELING you get one per month, and they build up if you don't use em

@Stralor so if i miss my streak, will it auto apply the recovery

predicted YES
predicted YES

@higherLEVELING you can see your status by clicking on your streak in your notifications