Will I ever get over my incredible fear of... pigeons? (I get terrified)
resolved May 1

I don't know why I have it but I have an incredible fear of pigeons.

I go the other way if I see pigeons in my way. I duck and run away if there's a pigeon anywhere in my vicinity. It gets my heart racing and adrenaline and cortisol pumping like nothing else.

I have had this fear for many years now, but not more than 15 years (I'm 23) as i have a memory of tending to an injured pigeon with a first aid kit when I was a kid.

Anyway, I have this great fear. It sucks and ruins situations when I'm traveling or walking with someone (thankfully my partner and friends and family know this and are accomodating) and suddenly freeze up or run.

Resolves YES if I ever get over this fear to a degree it doesn't hamper me and I'm able to walk past a pigeon on the ground or somewhere above me.

I will buy this down incredibly low, providing people the opportunity to buy YES, help me out, and profit.

There was one traumatic incident involving a pigeon when I was a kid, but I'll write it up tomorrow as I gotta go rn

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@firstuserhere count me interested in the story!

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@RobertCousineau for what it's worth my uneducated understanding is that with conscious and intelligent effort (alongside some help) there is a very high success rate for getting over phobias.

Have you brought this up with a therapist as something you would like to fix? How much do you want to fix this? I can imagine cities would be quite stressful.

Have you tried exposure therapy?

Podcast where host explains how she did it with her snake phobia, going into a lot of detail. Perhaps you could use the same sort of technique?


TIL @firstuserhere is 23 🤯

Pigeons are descended from dinosaurs so this fear is reasonable

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Where do you live?

Come to SF/the Bay Area and I'll try to help you with your fear of pigeons!

bought Ṁ10 YES from 39% to 42%