Will DALLE-3 be able to generate an image of a crowd without people blending into each other?
resolved Jan 1

"Draw me the image of 30 people standing in a line"

"Draw me an image of 10 people holding hands in a circle"

I will keep the #people to less than 50 for my prompts and the composition relatively simple.

Resolves YES if DALLE-3 success rate is 40% or more. I will test it roughly 10 times. If >80% of the people in the image are generated correctly without weird morphing effects, then I count that as a "YES" for that particular image.

10 times means 10 prompts. If 4 images are generated to a prompt, then we're testing on 40 images.

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Do background people count toward the total?

With people holding hands, is having problems with the joined hands but otherwise not having weird morphing effects OK?

"the image" as opposed to "an image" makes this sound very... archetypal/psychological. if it has that effect, that'd really be something

Does it have to draw the exact right number of people? Or is this just about the blending, with vaguely the right number?

@DanMan314 it's about the morphing thing, the number of people doesn't matter as long as it's in the correct ballpark

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