Poll: Recursive Self-improvement leads to accelerated technological progress?
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Assume that HLMI will exist at some point. Some people have argued the following:

If AI systems do nearly all research and development, improvements in AI will accelerate the pace of technological progress, including further progress in AI.

Over a short period (less than 5 years), this feedback loop could cause technological progress to become more than an order of magnitude faster.

How likely do you find this argument to be broadly correct?

HLMI = high level machine intelligence

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I'd love to hear people's thoughts on "priors" here, i.e. what situations do positive feedback loops happen/not happen in the world, that you think are particularly relevant here?

HMLI? GPT4 Suggest it means: High-Level Machine Intelligence - is that correct?

less than 5 years seems like an important keyword missing from title.

@SavioMak That is for the feedback loop

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