Will Harvard make an official statement about a public matter unrelated to its core function by 6/27/25?

They said they won't: https://x.com/micsolana/status/1795827718661320840

Will they?

Resolves to YES if any commenter links to such a statement, or if I otherwise find one. Statement must be made on or after 6/20/24.

Resolves to NO if no such statement is identified by 6/28/25.

I will use best judgment to decide if a given statement counts.

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Does the "statement" have to be published on their Statements page or do Press Releases count as well? They've had 5 statements so far in 2024, 1 in 2023 and 1 in 2022. Press Releases are more frequent.

Was not aware of this distinction. I will interpret 'statement' in the common sense meaning of the words - if it is clearly an attempt by the administration to make a statement as I would naturally interpret in their declaration, it will count. If not, not.

bought į¹€100 NO

Can you give us some thoughts on what you think counts as reasonably ā€œrelated to its core functionā€? I think this market depends heavily on your judgement.

I acknowledge that the market could depend on my judgement, but I see no avoiding that and in the interest of time I am going to let the standard sit as listed.

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