Will Google Generative AI for GMail be available by July 1, 2023?
resolved Jun 26

Resolves to YES if I am able to get access to it for at most $500 without any special treatment, NO if I can't. If there's a waitlist I'll sign up for it the second I can.

(If anyone at Google wants to give me early access, that would be great, but it won't win you this market.)

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bought Ṁ200 of YES

@ZviMowshowitz I got access instantly. The correct sign up link is https://workspace.google.com/labs-sign-up/

bought Ṁ200 of YES

@YoavTzfati Worked for me too. Thanks for the tip!

bought Ṁ3,000 of YES

@YoavTzfati You are correct, that worked, I am in and this resolves to YES. Thanks everyone!

predicted YES

Here is Bard comparing Manifold to Metaculus.

Update: I signed up for the waitlist at: https://bard.google.com/.

predicted YES

@ZviMowshowitz I signed up today and was already granted access. I like how it propagates all the text at once instead of the skeuomorphic typing of one word at a time.

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@ZviMowshowitz Zero chance I got access and you didn't. You were definitely ahead of me on the wait list.