What will be true of David Lynch's mysterious June 5th announcement? [ADD RESPONSES]
resolved Jun 5
Release of a song or an advertisement
Release of an album with associated video.
Announcement or release of a short film (<30min)
Related to transcendental meditation and/or the David Lynch foundation
Related to Twin Peaks
Announcement or release of an episodic series (with 3 or more episodes).
Announcement of a new feature (full length) film
David Lynch plans to resume his weather reports

The legendary director David Lynch just posted this 22 second video tweet:

“Ladies and gentleman, something is coming along…. for you to see and hear... and it will be coming along... on June 5.

Further coverage:

Rumors have abounded ever since his last project, “Twin Peaks: The Return,” wrapped on Showtime in 2017, that another project was in the works. About what, who can say, but the total and complete lack of information certainly has not prevented speculation.

Could this be just the resumption of him giving daily On Kawara-style weather report videos on his X feed on June 5? Absolutely. Could it be something to do with the David Lynch Foundation and/or transcendental meditation? Always a possibility. Could it actually be another film or TV project?

  • The options are independent—any number can be true.

  • You can add your own options.

  • This market will close at EOD June 4.

  • I may bet on this market—if any resolutions are disputed, I will ask a mod to settle it.

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@traders It's out! Coverage:

David Lynch’s Secret New Project Is an Album and Music Video with ‘Twin Peaks: The Return’ Star Chrystabell

I resolved the ones I find obvious (It's the release of a song, sharing an actor does not make it related to twin peaks as I clarified earlier, & etc). LMK if you disagree.

@TracyHarms You added "Release of an album with associated video.". I assume this should resolve yes—it's an album and a music video. Technically, it's the release of a music video and the album won't release til August 2nd. I think the spirit of this is clearly YES, but you can LMK if you did in fact mean that the full album had to be released.

"Announcement or release of a short film (<30min)". I plan to resolve this NO. As I clarified before, some music videos CAN be short films, but most aren't. This seems like a very standard music video, and I'm not seeing it described in the press as a "short film". So LMK if there's a dispute, but I think it's an easy NO.

(resolved based on my assumptions, as Tracy was YES for their option so I have to imagine that was their intent. LMK if any disputes)

Announcement or release of a short film (<30min)

I do not think a music video is equivalent to a “short film” (unless it is described as such by outlets—some music videos are pitched as “short films”, most aren’t)

Release of a song or an advertisement
bought Ṁ100 Release of a song or... YES

If multiple songs are released (e.g. an album) that by definition covers the release of a song (that’s how I interpret it, given the new album option that was added)

he's announcing GPT-5 🚀

bought Ṁ25 Related to Twin Peaks NO

"Related to Twin Peaks" (or etc) -> it needs to be fairly direct—not just like, you can draw some sort of connection (e.g. a new project that stars a few of the same actors).