@TUMBLES versus @TRIPPING: Who will win at Smash Bros Melee? (First match)
resolved Aug 26


  • Last March, @Tumbles issued a challenge to the Manifold community: /Tumbles/-can-any-manifold-user-defeat-tumbl .

  • @Tripping claims that he originally didn't want to challenge @Tumbles because he was a Tumbles Financial Complex creditor, and he didn't want to increase the risk of default.

  • Now that @JamesGrugett has given @Tumbles a 1.4 million mana bail out, @Tumbles is fully liquid & @Tripping no longer feels any mercy.

  • Under the rules of the challenge, @Tripping gets several attempts to beat @Tumbles . This market resolves based on the result of just the first match they play whose result would count towards the challenge.

  • If they have not played any such match by November 1st (e.g. @Tumbles first loses to another challenger), this market resolves N/A.

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GG. congratulations to @Tripping ! peach supremacy. and thank you @Tumbles for running the challenge.

I thought that said "ruining". That would have been harsh.

@Tripping can you confirm that the challenge ended on the first match that counted for the challenge

bought Ṁ3,700 NO


It is funny how they both have smash-related names

@Tumbles slippi: https://slippi.gg/user/TBLS-512 Looks like he mains Puff & Sheik.

I don't have @Tripping 's slippi & don't know his mains FWIW

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