I will post each market listed below (up to 10) when this closes. If there is a serious issue with a market suggestion, I reserve the right not to post it. If more than ten responses are suggested, I will randomly pick which ten to post (I may post more than ten if I feel like it). Twenty-four hours after posting them all, the one (or ones if there is a tie) with the most unique traders will be selected as the winner(s). You may select any expiration date you wish for the market and give me a market body if you want. Each market posted will be posted with a yes/no answer type.
If market > 50% at close I will permanently rename my account to "Gushing Granny" and resolve the market NO. (closes in 168 hours)
Will this market have an odd number of unique traders (at close which is a week after creation)? (closes in 168 hours)
amongus (closes in 24 hours)
At 2 days before market close if market > 50% I will ask an admin to "please ban @TeenyTiny on Manifold" via discord&manifold. Resolves NO if I (@TeenyTiny) is not banned. (closes in 168 hours)
Oh, I forgot one: Resolves to YES if exactly one or exactly two of the following accounts are following me at close time [in 24 hours] (@NeonNuke, @IsaacKing, @DesTiny, @A).
So, total number is seven.
@DesTiny it's just before At 2 days before market close if market > 50% I will ask an admin to "please ban @TeenyTiny on Manifold" via discord&manifold. Resolves NO if I (@TeenyTiny) is not banned. (closes in 168 hours) and after Will this market have an odd number of unique traders (at close which is a week after creation)? (closes in 168 hours)
Issues with market suggestions:
"Did I turn my boyfriend into a vampire? ?" --> unclear what it is referring to
"I'm a virgin. Resolves N/A. Make lots of small bets and comments on the market to boost its visibility." --> not a prediction of anything & contents untrue
"At 2 days before market close if market > 50% I will ask an admin to "please ban me on Manifold" via discord&manifold. Resolves NO if I am not banned." --> could get me banned
I will post all the remaining markets (5).
@Jacknaut Description: I lost a bet with a friend and if I don't tell at least 20 people I know that I'm a virgin, he's making me pay for an Andrew Tate premium subscription. Plz help.
@Jacknaut Granny* not Grannie.
Description: And update my profile pic to https://i.imgur.com/AqiFu0t.png
@ZZZZZZ title: At 2 days before market close if market > 50% I will ask an admin to "please ban @TeenyTiny on Manifold"
Description: I will ping two admins in this market's comments, and two via dms on discord, and ask them to ban my account https://manifold.markets/TeenyTiny . Resolves YES if I (@TeenyTiny) have been banned. Resolves NO if I (@TeenyTiny) am not banned.
@ZZZZZZ Description (additional): I will not take any actions on @TeenyTiny after 72 hours before this market closes.
@Jacknaut "If there is a serious issue with a market suggestion, I reserve the right not to post it."
@Jacknaut I'm not saying there is an issue with it. I was just referencing the post to make sure you are informed about the rules but I will make a determination about such things at close time.
@ZZZZZZ It seems reasonable to me that you should have no issue with this, given the context of knowing that you were willing to out yourself as the person who made a bot to cheat the site and extract profits and risk getting banned.