I ordered a facial typing from alittlebitofpersonality.com. I did not give alittlebitofpersonality.com any information about me other than pictures of my face.
Once I receive my result from them, I will comment on this post to let everyone know and I will resolve it 24 hours later. I will extend this market as needed if they take a long time to give me a result. I will not make any trades on this market after I have received my result.
Is their test accurate? Can they figure out my type under the aLboP system just from a few pictures of my face?
I figured out my type under the aLboP system was INTP(ij).
Resolves YES if they give me the result INTP(ij). Resolves NO if they give me any other result.
The chance that would randomly conclude I am an INTP(ij) given they picked randomly a value for each variable is 1 in 64 or 1.5625%.
I will not buy any NO shares on this market.
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Does facial typing work? [objective, p-value = 0.016] (for ENTJ(ip))
Does facial typing work? [objective, p-value = 0.016] (for ISFP(ij))
Jan 29, 10:26pm:
Does facial typing work? [objective, p-value = 0.016]→ Does facial typing work? [objective, p-value = 0.016] (for ISFP(ij))
@ZZZZZZ I think I need to practice balance emotion and logic together. Some say that this kind of problem is caused by chaotic transitions between sides of the ego so maybe I need to try to use some intentionality when I switch from feeling to logic or back.
more legit than i expected
@cc6 Not sure if this will help anyone guess but I was looking at the facial phenotypes, and I would say the one I am the most attracted to is the ESFJ.
@ZZZZZZ That is the base probability but then we have to add a wider margin of error considering they will be using their method to determine it.