Which result will alittlebitofpersonality.com's facial typing give me? (subtype)
resolved Jan 3
(ep) - Gifts and Talents focused
(ip) - Accustomed Behaviors focused
(ej) - Developed Habits focused
(ij) - Chosen Attitudes focused

I ordered a facial typing from alittlebitofpersonality.com. I did not give alittlebitofpersonality.com any information about me other than pictures of my face.

Once I receive my result from them, I will comment on this post to let everyone know and I will resolve it 24 hours later. I will extend this market as needed if they take a long time to give me a result. I will not make any trades on this market after I have received my result.

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I will not bet on this market.

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bought Ṁ15 of (ej) - Developed Hab...

EJ seems like it would match with your self-proclaimed MBTI type of ENTJ.

@duck_master Subtype is different from main type though so I could still be an ENTJ but I have (ip) subtype for example