Will x.ai launch a product in 2023?
resolved Nov 4

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predicted YES
predicted YES

@Yves They themselves called it a launch. This is like the Pink iMac debate. The launch has taken place just as much as there was an announcement of a pink iMac

predicted YES

What made it a launch:

  • announcement the day prior

  • Marginal increase in product existing (we didn’t know anything before, we knew it is an LLM after Musks tweets), the additional blog post now does not change much on that scale

Additional indicators that this market would resolve with Musks launch:

  • Me clarifying that „release to a select few“ constitutes a launch

  • the market being at 95-98% right before resolution

  • To generate evidence of „release to a select few“ is difficult so the tweet itself carried some weight

predicted YES

It was clarified yesterday that a „select group of people“ counts

@Yves there are a lot of people getting really fired up about this market. Basically, people ended up deciding to report it to @SirSalty because they are upset. Whether they have a case or not, who knows.

I'm not going to unresolve it at this time and you've clearly had plenty of time to share your own opinion that this has met the criteria for resolution.

Going forward, I highly recommend you add some additional details in the description of your market so participants have a better idea what they are betting on.

For everyone else in the comments -- there is some chance that the team will re-open this market in the days to come. I'm sure the Manifold team will weigh in!

predicted YES

Elon tweeted yesterday "Tomorrow, @xAI will release its first AI to a select group. "

I asked the creator:

Does releasing ai to "a select few" count as "releasing a product"?

The creator replied "yes"

At the time this was the 2nd comment ever places on this market.

If the creator had replied no I would have bet down the market. (As we all know, it could be a very long time before there is a public release).

But he replied yes and so I bet yes from 93% to 96% on the basis that it would very likely be released "to a select few".

I don't think it's the most intuitive interpretation of the question, but as the market creator Yves gets to decide the resolution criteria. And he has now correctly resolved in line with his criteria.

If the market is reopened then you're forcing Yves to contradict the criteria he publically told me and that I relied on when making my bet.

It'd be one thing if Elon had actually released it to a select group of outside users, but if he had we'd have heard about it. I think resolving this YES on a launch to a select group of outside users is, arguably, within creator discretion, even if I don't think it's quite right. YES before he's actually released it to any outside users isn't! Elon's tweets about his future behavior are not, in general, reliable evidence for his future behavior, e.g. 'funding secured'

predicted YES

@jacksonpolack I agree that we need to see evidence of a "select few" users having access.

I wouldn't agree that it needs to be "outside" users though.

xAI giving access to xAI products to xAI employees for testing is very straightforwardly and uncontroversailly not a launch.

Ok enough discussion has happened. I think this was misresolved. Creator could/should unresolve now and re-resolve when the launch happens.

Edit: the creator has blocked me now.

predicted YES

@firstuserhere I will not. It was launched. You did not even bet.

Yves, do you agree that 90%+ of the tech-literate population would not consider this a launch? Can you find anyone else who agrees with this interpretation?

Prediction markets exist to predict future events. To be able to do so, you need to have a market title and description that accurately convey the condition we're predicting. People need to come across your market, interpret the resolution criteria, and guess whether the event in question will happen or not! If you create a market that means one thing to you but another thing to everyone else, that's your mistake, not theirs.

What caused this market to resolve yes?

@Yves That's not a launched product.

predicted YES

@SneakySly Read the comments down below, esp. from yesterday

@Yves has this product started a rollout to public users yet? are these select few users non-employees?

predicted YES

@firstuserhere Neither of this matters

@Yves Its not a release to a select few users as per your comment, if its not released to users.

predicted YES

@firstuserhere It’s a launch, that is what counts. It does not matter to whom it was released. It is a product and it was launched today. The product exists. There is a product. The announcement with screenshots is the launch.

predicted YES

@Yves Two days ago, you were unable to answer the question „What is the first product of x.ai„ today you can answer this question clearly. There was no product, now there is one.

@Yves When we see a trailer for a movie or game, is that movie or game launched? When people watch a test screening of a movie or playtest a pre-alpha of a game are those launched?

this is at most a demo, it's not a launch, they are different. it's not even an alpha yet, he hasn't actually released it to anyone

predicted YES

Movies are not comparable. Also what counts is „marginal change in product existence“. A launch was announced yesterday and done today. The number of users it’s available does not matter. The number of users a product has does not change its marginal level of existence. A product can exist without users. Also, you do not know about „anyone“.

@Yves I think you're confusing an announcement with a launch

predicted YES

@firstuserhere I am not. It was announced yesterday and launched today.

@Yves A product existing doesn't imply that it was launched. Typically products exist within the company for a long time before launch.

predicted YES

@firstuserhere But it doesn’t only exist within the company, otherwise I, not an employee of the company, would not know what it is, what it does or anything about it.

@Yves When a company announces a product, other people not in the company know about it, yet it is not yet launched. That is literally what an announcement is. See my examples with trailers and testing a game or other piece of software. As far as I can tell this is a flat out mis-resolved market.

Another example: We all know about Gemini. It was announced and Google has talked about it plenty. It is not yet launched.

EDIT: The creator has blocked me for this comment. I suggest reviewing the market in question.

predicted YES

@SneakySly Yes, compared to Gemini, Grok is launched. Thank you for the comparison!

@Yves the difference is supposedly that you can't be certain Gemini exists without trusting Google's word a lot, but Elon couldn't lie?