Will the current conflict between Israel and Hamas be over **before** November?
resolved Nov 1

Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel this morning (October 7th). The IDF responded. How long will the conflict last until official or defacto cease fire? Resolves YES if the conflict is over before November 1st 00:00, Israel time.

I will resolve to the best of my judgement based on Israeli news publications, or translated Gazan publications.

Will not bet on this market myself.

Clarification: the ceasefire has to be the real end of hostilities for this round. If there's a ceasefire and then some side immediately breaks it, it will not count. I will wait a week to see whether the ceasefire holds. The ceasefire has to happen within the time frame specified above, even if the week extends into November.

PS: one of my first markets here, probably made many mistakes in format/phrasing. Corrections welcome.

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Thank you everyone for trading and bringing me some certainty in these hard times.

bought Ṁ10,000 of NO

resolves no, already nov 1 israel time

bought Ṁ5,555 of NO

If that was a mistake, I can give you some of that back @samanthaliu

bought Ṁ694 of NO

@jacksonpolack its fine 😭

bought Ṁ10 of YES

Yes at 3% b/c the criteria turns the question into "Will there be a week long ceasefire by the end of November"

@MatanNov Note that it's actually "Will there be a week long ceasefire by November 6". (and I think that's lower than 3%)

@BenjaminCosman correct on the criterion

predicted YES

@YotamFederman “By X” means on or before X. If you say it’ll be done by June, or next year, as long as it’s done in June or next year, it’s not late.

However, you specified Nov 1 in your explanatory text. Now here, in your response, you say Nov 6. Three different dates have been noted: 11/1, 11/30, and 11/6. If it is 11/6, you may want to change the resolution rules, and be more careful in future markets. Thank you for an interesting market idea, and best of luck!

@PGeyer thanks for the tip. English not being my first language, I thought "by November" means "before November".

In any case, my response here is consistent with the description: the ceasefire has to happen before November, but to make sure it is real, I may wait until up to November 6th. I hope that's clearer.

I also answered the same on a previous comment.

@MatanNov sorry, I thought you wrote by the end of October - note that the war has to end in October, so before November. I made the title clearer, the resolution criteria and end date are correct.

predicted YES

@YotamFederman Yes, thus my inquiry. Your adjustment seems very fair. Thank you for your speedy response. Great market. I figured more time available, but even end of Nov seems optimistic, especially since every day, it only takes one bad actor to ruin someone’s day in the region.

@YotamFederman English is my native language and I think there is genuine ambiguity around when to interpret "by" as "strictly before" vs "before the end of". I think I'd actually have interpreted your original text in the way you'd intended (though I'm not certain because I don't remember what I was thinking in the few seconds between reading the title and reading the very clear criteria beneath). But given there's ambiguity the switch to "before" is still a good idea.

Some Israeli officials seem to think it's going to be a long haul...

@Joshua wow crazy

predicted NO
predicted YES

@foresightbureau with a clickbait title like that, I'd rather won't.

predicted NO

@ICRainbow absolutely no obligation to click on the link. :)

bought Ṁ10 of YES

I think the war will be over by November because they are always on a on and off conflict. Palestine hasn't been quiet for a long time now, so they made a move I think to give Israel a lesson. I hope the war will be over soon so no more lives will be lost.

predicted YES

@ErjolaAvdiaj And the lesson they've given... Now the only way to get out of this is either to lie down and blend with the civilians, or, lie down in rubble.

predicted YES

@beevoid No, that was a glitch/test.

bought Ṁ10 of NO

The Israeli Palestinian war has been going on for the better part of 80 years. So I think this one of those things where retaliation happened which will only lead to further more catastrophic consequences for both sides. I absolutely think the future generations of both countries will be massively affected by what's happening today. Now the only way for this to stop is for a world level super power to intervene like the US and I don't see that happening anytime soon at least not with the dominance required.

predicted YES

@AhmedHazem I an under the impression that this market is about the current level of violence not the broader Israeli-Palastinian conflict

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