Will @DesTiny be trustworthy-ish by end of 2023?
resolved Jan 2

Resolves YES if they get the trustworthy-ish badge by the end of 2023.

Resolves NO if they do not. Also resolves NO if they get banned.

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predicted NO

Destiny worked with Isaac to manipulate profits in a blatantly unethical manner at the beginning of 2023.

predicted YES

@IsaacKing @MichaelWheatley @AmmonLam -- as prominent NO holders, do you have any serious reservations about conferring the trustworthy-ish badge on Wobbles?

(if you'd prefer not to comment publicly I'd also really appreciate a Discord DM)

predicted NO

@Austin did you mean me or Ammon?

predicted YES

@AllanLacy I meant Ammon as they're a trustworthyish user, but happy to hear your thoughts too!

predicted NO

@Austin ah ok....I'll let the big guys give their thoughts first :P

predicted NO

I mean, I'd like to hear @AllanLacy's thoughts. I don't think the trustworthyish badge should count for a lot in decisions of who should be made trustworthyish; that can lead to a very insular/gatekeepey dynamic. How the general community feels about that person seems more important.

predicted NO

@IsaacKing i don't think @Wobbles is an untrustworthy manifold user. The comments that @IsaacKing made below, if true, somewhat suggest that the badge is not deserved.

I don't know exactly how all the rest of trustworthy badges were awarded, but I feel giving Wobbles one will soon result in everyone wanting one (and feeling they deserve one). I guess this would be my biggest position against the badge.

predicted NO

@Austin @Wobbles was pleading his case again on the Discord voice channel a couple weeks back, so I made the case against and demanded David forward to you all my arguments. Are you telling me he dropped the ball???

@Austin Wobbles is currently spamming the poll channel in the discord where we're trying to decide on the new resolution criteria for the WvM market. That channel has very clear instructions of "please do not post anything in here unless it's a directly related poll", and Wobbles is posting meaningless trolling nonsense there anyway.

predicted NO

"I am an untrustworthy person"


predicted YES

Shocking news!

"I did totally abuse the referral link [by creating like 20 alt accounts]"

- @Wobbles

predicted NO

Also created an alternate Discord account and claimed it was a friend they went to school with in order to manipulate this market.

predicted NO

Also tried to rope me into it first.

predicted NO

(Turns out I am a snitch.)

Recent actions which have endeared Wobbles to me (wrt qualification for trustworthy-ish badge):

predicted YES

@Austin HUGE

predicted YES

@Yev I'm now just wobbles

predicted NO

I’d like to submit that if Wobbles gets a trustworthy-ish badge this shouldn’t resolve YES. Betting has taken place on the premise that the question was about the user names DesTiny. The name change has altered the conditions of the question.

predicted YES

@NicoDelon I would disagree. The @ is still the same which is all that's mentioned in the market

predicted NO

@DesTiny I know, but at the time both were identical, and part of the problem has been that your username was deceptive.

predicted NO

@NicoDelon Note that this is different from saying you shouldn’t get the badge. Only that if you get it this question should not resolve to YES.

predicted YES

@NicoDelon ? I'm not sure I understand, the @ even links directly to my account. Maybe your argument would have merit if it just said "DesTiny" but that is still my @.

predicted YES

@NicoDelon additionally how else would @Yev refer to me besides my username?

predicted NO

@DesTiny For most of the time people have bet on this question they took DesTiny and @DesTiny to mean the same thing. You’ve now changed your name, addressing some of the worries people had with misleading users. But betting was done on the premise that your username was misleading. I don’t think it’s fair to say Wobbles getting a badge means the same thing as DesTiny getting a badge. @s be damned.

predicted NO

@NicoDelon I know you disagree and apparently fail to understand, but I’ll dispute a positive resolution. Someone known as DesTiny (@DesTiny) shouldn’t get a badge even if someone known as Wobbles (@DesTiny) could. Same reference, different meaning.

predicted YES

@NicoDelon I'm almost 100% sure that the market creator and most people who bet on this market took the market as referring to the person not just the name. If @Yev were to change his name to DesTiny should it resolve yes? No, that's because it not referring to the name DesTiny, but me as a person

predicted NO

@NicoDelon that market description is clearer, even though it’s been altered after betting had started. https://manifold.markets/SirCryptomind/will-destiny-get-their-trustworthyi?r=Tmljb0RlbG9u

@Yev shouldnt change the description for this one. It’s too late.

predicted NO

@DesTiny You don’t know that.

predicted YES

@NicoDelon I do, why would yev link to my profile???

@DesTiny You don’t know what most people assumed when betting.

predicted YES

@NicoDelon Nico it’s ok to accept that this market might resolve yes. I understand you strongly dislike me, and for some valid reasons. Though I find this a little much my friend

predicted NO

@DesTiny I accept that it might though I’ll dispute it if it does. I can’t dislike you since I have no idea who you are. Any feelings I have are directed towards a dumb pfp!

predicted YES
predicted YES

@NicoDelon *a very cool pfp

predicted YES

I assumed this market was about the account, not the current username. The description seems to be referring to a person, by saying "they".

predicted NO

@IsaacKing Of all the people invested in this your assumptions are the least relevant to me.

predicted YES

@NicoDelon Get Real

predicted YES

@NicoDelon Luckily you're not the market creator, which is the person my comment was intended for.

predicted NO

@IsaacKing Since you replied to my comment I was assuming otherwise. Thanks for clarifying your confusing comment.

predicted YES

@NicoDelon I think we should all just be friends. Though I do believe you have a nonsensical opinion that is fueled by your hatred of me, I think if it wasn't for that ur chill. I apologize for any aggression on my part, but we've gotta all be friendly

predicted YES


predicted NO

@DesTiny I like you.

predicted NO

@DesTiny It's all just for fun. I'm trying to collect mana for charity. Some of your tricks have prevented me from doing so but other than that we're just messing around IMO. I draw a line at Blink 182 though.

predicted YES

@NicoDelon I might have to resolve my hate market if you don't stop this Blink-182 slander

predicted NO

@DesTiny so, I could bet heavily on YES on that market and keep slandering Blink 182 to make mana. Thanks for the tip!

predicted YES

@NicoDelon no, to quote Mark Hoppus: "Shut the fuck up...I'm going fucking deaf." Blink-182 is a godsend my friend

predicted YES

@DesTiny Sorry, no. I tried listening to one of their songs yesterday and now my ears are bleeding.

predicted YES

@IsaacKing what song

predicted NO

@IsaacKing For once Isaac and I agree.

predicted YES
predicted YES

@NicoDelon I interpreted this market to be about the user then named DesTiny, whether or not they change their name - it's the same user, so it would count.

predicted YES

@Conflux Good for you

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