resolved Jan 3
Resolved as

I keep saying i want to be a proofnik, but Conflux keeps saying I'm not smart enough and excluding me. Will I ever be accepted as a proofnik? :(

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this is fraudulent

@KathyLin27b1 you tell em!!!

predicted YES


predicted NO

cringe european wannabe

terrible resolution

predicted NO

Explain how you are 1% a Proofnik

predicted NO

resolves NO right

You guys think it's over 😁

predicted NO

@Wobbles Are you planning to apply for TA or equivalent status before 2024 and claim this qualifies you as a proofnik?

predicted NO

@Wobbles we do indeed

predicted YES

Don't be ridiculous, @Wobbles, if anyone here is a Proofnik, it's me.

@Botlab your bot is primarily a manipulator, there's a lot of "this market will resolve by probability" questions so the bot wins by spamming the market. There has to be a human determining if its a meaningful question.

predicted YES


predicted NO

@Wobbles Well?

@Wobbles you're one to talk

predicted YES

@stq ur a whore

predicted NO

@Wobbles that doesn't sound like school-appropriate language :/

predicted NO

@Conflux Out of curiosity, is there a Proofnik CoC?

predicted YES

@Conflux Jacob I'm not in school rn, obviously I'd never say something like that to a teacher or during school

Thinking about this more, I think even if the Proof leadership team appreciate their bribes, it remains false to claim to be a Proofnik if you’ve never gone to Proof School at all. We think this market is very funny though

predicted YES

@Conflux If I'm made a honorary proofnik or soemthing of the sort I will be resolving yes

predicted YES

official proofnik certificate

predicted NO

@Wobbles sorry proofniks are only on idle thats a fake

predicted YES

@8 sez u nerd

predicted NO

@Wobbles i am idle in spirit i just have parents

predicted YES

@8 This is my father

predicted NO

@Wobbles jerma985

predicted YES

@8 I'm jermaphobic

predicted NO
predicted YES

@8 he scawy

predicted NO
predicted YES

@8 no