This will resolve YES!!!! Largest limit $150!!!
resolved Dec 6

I retain the right to resolve no in order to punish those who break the rules best. Will compensate portions thorugh tips

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This user and his 9 alt accounts have all been banned for funnelling funds btwn multiple accounts and abusing bonuses.

We will also be making updates to our community guidelines to prevent this form of scamming people by using multiple accounts.

We will also be making updates to our community guidelines to ban markets that intend to manipulate the unique trader bonus by incentivising traders with promising of a specific resolution AND a cap to how much each trader can bet. The last part is key (we won't ban other valid reasons why someone might make a market that is said to resolve a certain way).

predicted NO

fair profit

predicted YES

Is this allowed?

predicted YES

Why were you buying NO consistently throughout the existence of this market? How does resolving at NO punish the single person who bought more than 150 then immediately sold it?

predicted YES

Waiting to be compensated.

predicted YES

@johnleoks me too thanks

@johnleoks I doubt it's going to happen. I'm 99% this is the same person as @jojothebanker and @Richflexgg.

Scams and then dumps the $ to the next account.

predicted YES

@UFTG Seems like a pretty inefficient way (if true), to make $. But if he doesn't tip within the day, I'll just report this as scam.

predicted NO

@johnleoks wait can you even tip anymore??

@DesTiny Tips have been removed and replaced with worthless likes 😢.

This will resolve YES!!!! Largest limit $150!!!, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition