These options resolve YES if Warren Buffett includes the exact sequence of words in his 2025 letter.
In case of ambiguity, I will consult moderators for advice.
If no such letter is published, all options will N/A.
You can add your own responses, but note (1) I intend to be strict with resolution (following the rules below), & (2) I reserve the right to edit all entries to better match the spirit of the market.
Resolution Examples:
Needs to match tense & pluralization: "returns" or "returned" do not count for "return".
However, any punctuation is fine ("greatest investors!" counts for "greatest investors"), and contractions can count as the expanded words ("it’s" is equivalent to "it is").
Different ways of transcribing the same word count: "twenty-five years" = "25 years".
inspired by @Ziddletwix Biden-isms Mega Market