Will my typing speed reach 100 wpm by August 2023?
resolved Aug 1

Resolves YES if I can type at 100 wpm on https://www.keybr.com/ 's typing test section (30 sec mode) at least once before Aug 1, 2023; resolves NO otherwise.

My current average is around 65 wpm, my highest wpm ever reached is 76.

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Sadly the highest speed I was able to reach was ~90 wpm, though I haven't really kept up my practicing schedule.

Have you continued touch typing practice since 3 months ago?

How long have you been typing using your current layout, how long have you been practicing typing concertedly, and how are you enjoying typing practice, is it fun?

@lukalot i started practicing touch typing roughly a month ago where i had to learn the proper typing technique (since i never rly learned how to type properly). i like touch typing practice since it makes me feel productive without too much mental labour and i train for roughly 1 hour everyday.

@VictorLi I started touch typing from scratch with monkeytype a year ago and type at 110wpm now. Similar situation / qualities as you're describing, too. I think you can do it with at least 40%~ probability if you keep up your routine, probably even higher.