Will Isomorphic Labs release anything significant before 2025?
Dec 31

Isomorphic Labs is an AI-focused drug discovery company founded by DeepMind co-founder Demis Hassabis in 2021, with the officially stated goal of "redefin[ing] drug discovery with the power of artificial intelligence".

However, they have not yet released any product or major piece of research, and is currently (AFAICT) still in the process of building up their team. The question is: will they release anything I would deem "significant" before 2025?

Examples of releases that I would deem "significant" and qualify for a YES resolution:

  1. An AI-discovered drug candidate

  2. A publication of a major technical and/or scientific breakthrough (like AlphaFold)

  3. Any other project/product that I feel meets the criteria (I will not bet on this market myself in order to remain neutral in my assessments)

If none of the above has been released by Isomorphic Labs before Jan 1, 2025 EST, this market will resolve NO.

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