This is a long term market intended for people to be able to see at a glance fighters who might have high future potential. It concerns the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and its Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) championship titles.
An answer resolves YES when that person wins a UFC title.
An answer resolves NO when that person dies. An answer may also resolve NO if that person is removed from the UFC roster. If they are re-added to the UFC roster, they become eligible to be re-added as an answer to the market, but the answer corresponding to their first stint in the UFC will stay resolved NO.
This question WILL include interim titles. This question does WILL NOT consider the "BMF" belt.
I may N/A answers added if e.g. they are duplicates, former champions, etc.
mohammed mokaev has been removed from the ufc and the flyweight rankings. resolves no based on your description
I don't know who any of these fighters are. As far as I am aware Johnny Walker is a whisky. I'm looking at 49 names competing for 12 titles, and figuring that the average career of a high contact sport athlete is probably only around 3 times as long as the titles are held, and that some of the titles are likely to be held by people not on the list, so the average person here should trade closer to 25% than 50%, and I'm NO on everyone.
This is harder than "who will be President," though.