Will the social media site formerly known as Twitter be profitable "early 2024"?
resolved Jul 22

Context: https://www.wsj.com/tech/x-ceo-linda-yaccarino-says-platform-should-turn-profit-in-2024-8575a1c

> X Corp. Chief Executive Linda Yaccarino said on Wednesday the company is “just about break even” in terms of operating cash-flow and should turn a profit early next year.

Resolves YES if they are profitable in either Q1 or Q2, 2024.

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Resolving a market like this is tricky because twitter is a private company and there's a lot of unknown variables which would determine its profitability.

If you adhered to a very high standard of proof, this market would always resolve either YES or N/A and never NO. Because if the positive outcome happens there will usually be solid proof, e.g. Elon bragging on twitter about its profits. And then it's an easy yes. But if the thing doesn't happen it's almost always N/A because the company wouldn't want to advertise it's lack of profit, so you wouldn't have enough hard evidence to resolve this NO, only N/A.

Because of this imbalance it's only fair to set a much lower standard of proof to the NO side , otherwise it wouldn't really make sense to bet NO on a low evidence market like this.

So I'm resolving this NO based on what @Gen said. If twitter was profitable, Elon would have very proudly advertised that fact or we would have seen other indications of it's profability.

@mods please resolve this, NO

I can't find any real evidence that it's not profitable, though I suspect if it was, Elon would be shouting it from the rooftops

If there's a source, I'll resolve it

unfortunately, there isn't :(


OP please resolve