Will text-to-PDF techniques or LLM models be able to do something akin to deductive/inductive reasoning by end of 2024?

Can be one or the other, or both. If the distinction is great enough, i'll break it down into more nuanced, measured markets. Anything that the text-to-PDF or LLM models can do even, that the user in using said techniques can perform a form of deductive reasoning or inductive reasoning using what is given by the AI and AI alone counts as well (ex. The LLM through its abilities allows you to infer a kind of deductive or inductive process that the model can then do again on its own and give results in that thematic) but you need to provide a reasonable argument for why and how, specifically, for that case you're describing or found. Will be betting YES on this if it goes over 10+ participants. Starting with formal definitions of inductive and deductive reasoning, can be open-ended obviously within reason. I will listen carefully to more full-fledged and nuanced perspectives.

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