Will Tetraspace prefer contact lenses to glasses?
resolved Mar 11

My glasses prescription is -2.25/-4.25 in left and right eyes respectively. I have new glasses and being able to see in a way that's not blurry is blissful but they're really annoying because of sensory issue of them touching my face aaa.

Maybe contact lenses will be even better? But they also sound like they include multiple steps which sounds difficult. Also eye irritation. I dunno.

Resolves YES if after wearing contact lenses for a bit I think they're better than wearing glasses for a bit. Resolves N/A if I end up not wearing any contact lenses this year for whatever reason.

Close date updated to 2023-03-10 11:59 pm

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Great to wear, still too hard to actually get in even with some practise.

predicted NO

@Tetraspace Sorry they didn’t work out for you. :(

bought Ṁ10 of YES

It takes a while to get used to contacts but eventually they become second nature and indistinguishable from having perfect eyesight + the cost of buying them. At least that’s my experience

My new glasses are twice as heavy as my old glasses! I may have located some of the problem.

@Tetraspace (Though my prescription is worse, lenses are thicker, so this might not be 100% fixable. Also, old glasses still bad, degree rather than kind.)

@Tetraspace My new new glasses weigh about half as much as my new glasses! They are MUCH more tolerable and they TOUCH MY FACE AAA (though, like, contact lenses TOUCH MY EYEBALLS AAA which I'm not squeamish about but can still feel at all).

I'm not much better at putting contact lenses in than I was; I have enough of a model and a physics engine that I can diagnose where I'm going wrong, but it's still an arduous slog. Taking them out is very easy; I have no squeamishness about poking my eye above reflexes.

Are they daily or monthly contacts? I find daily to be far superior to monthly in terms of convenience and comfort.

@zQ4Z82W Daily

@Tetraspace In theory, if I found daily to be Bad and I tried monthly and they were better then it would be the best of either, but I strongly expect that monthly lenses would be worse than daily lenses for my use case.

I can slightly feel them touching my eyes, but wearing them and going outside filled me with about half to three quarters of the radiant joy of existence that going from no glasses everything blurry to glasses did (so, like 1.5 - 1.75 radiant joy units total?). They were very annoying to put in.

My glasses also turned out to have the handles curve too soon, so they were too tight the entire time. This makes them a little bit nicer relatively, but I've had glasses of various goodness of fit since I was a kid and never really got used to them beyond tolerating them, so make of that what you will.

James Sully seems bang on the money, so I think a big part of resolution is a matter of whether I can get good at putting them in.

@Tetraspace Don't know if you've also considered LASIK but I consider it one of the best purchases I've ever made

@Austin Thought about it, got scared away by possible side effects (I expect I take dry eye syndrome badly, I'm already running above my native conscientiousness level), haven't done a proper EV calculation.

@Tetraspace The best thing about LASIK is that it drops the need for day-to-day conscientiousness wrt putting on contacts or keeping track of glasses!

I did experience dryer eyes for the first few months (and still a bit, currently) but I don't even notice on 90% of days. And I believe SMILE is an option for reducing dry eyes-ishness (my clinic offered it for another $2k more, which I'm still a bit on the fence about -- don't feel strongly about whether it would have been worth it or not)

Went down to optician to try contact lenses. Got them in twice in an hour (of the three they wanted), gave up, will come back later and try again. Call me not-very-dextrouspace.

Vision with them was awesome (better than 20/20 😊) and the feeling on my face was less intense than with glasses.

Ran a Twitter poll, using "which sensation is more noticeable if you focus on it" as a proxy for how much it would bother me;

https://twitter.com/TetraspaceWest/status/1593648150027423745?s=20&t=FYGKIx-73kwU5qgyyryysQ; of people with experience with both, 64% thought glasses were worse, and 36% thought contact lenses were worse.

Making a comment so I can make a comment bounty to elicit explanations of reasoning.

predicted YES

@Tetraspace I thought contacts would be uncomfortable and stuff but I think they are aesthetically more pleasing and also after a few weeks account for like 20 added seconds per day of inconvenience (putting them in and taking them out). A good tradeoff.

predicted NO

@Tetraspace Sensorily, they're basically unnoticeable once they're in, at first. After wearing them for a day you start to feel a little dry. But I think having to put them in and take them out, and having to remember to put them in and take them out, is so annoying as to make them not worth it. That's how it is for me at least. I vastly prefer glasses.