Will I have an assurance contract website live by the end of May?
resolved May 31
https://schelling.pt/web/statuses/108265965232993936 I'm working on a website that does assurance contracts. It looks pretty nice so far. Frontend supports making and viewing contract; backend additionally supports signing up to contracts. Not much is stable and if you go off the happy path it crashes and burns. Eventually I'll make it send emails to you when the threshold is met. My biggest blocker is probably that Azure / AWS is kind of overwhelming; I'm not really sure how to get started and the last times I've tried I've bounced off it. If you want to insider trade by buying YES and then posting a great tutorial for deploying a React frontend and Express backend, that would be nice.
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bought Ṁ50 of YES
If you want any help on deploying it feel free to ask, I value you being able to experiment with creating tools like this.
bought Ṁ10 of YES
Also, assurance contracts look super cool! We might do something like Manifold assurance contracts eventually (more "Kickstarter for Manifold features, paid in M$" and less "coordinating individuals to commit to a move" tho)
Haha I'd definitely recommend not using Express, and going serverless completely (this is what Manifold does). It's so much easier because you don't have to configure anything, and all your stuff lives in one codebase. Don't deal with AWS or Azure at all, just use Firebase or Supabase to handle auth and database writing, and keep all your logic on the frontend (or in Vercel cloud functions, if necessary)
If you want cheap, then cheapest is go somewhere like Hertzner and rent a physical machine. Or AWS if you want cloud comforts. And then it gets more specialized with things like Firebase/Heroku that make it easier for you, but it costs more.
Yes, funny enough Azure / AWS is overwhelming. I have been playing with Firebase recently but I think there is a decent learning curve - not so much academic but practical (why ain't this working, what error code can I expect, ... etc ... ) although probably easier than Azure / AWS over all. If you want the easiest option, but are happy to pay more to scale up, then heroku might be for you (if you trust they have sorted out their security issues lol!). You could do another free choice market on what back end you should use, resolve to the one you pick. However if you are far down the AWS rabbit hole, maybe just keep pushing through.